Per definition. It is exactly when we are in dire need of a new direction, but are yet to find one, that we can be said to be in crisis. It is when change is needed, when we have to change, but only can do so by unraveling the many possible paths ahead, and when we are faced with the dread of choosing the right one, that we have entered the event horizon of the crisis – a point of no return.
Today, with the global Corona pandemic, we are at such a point in history. We want to go back to normal as soon as possible, but we can’t. You cannot stop a crisis; a crisis cannot be “ended”. You can only go through a crisis. The question is just where you will be going.
In this live stream, Crisis, Transformation & Corona, Jascha Rohr from the Cocreation Foundation takes us on a guided tour through the transformative patterns of crisis. He demonstrates how crises unleash the creative energy of cocreation, of emergence, and he argues it is in such moments when old structures are breaking up that we have to face our fears and let go. Only then can something better emerge from the ashes of the old.
Yet, the overarching question remains unanswered: How can we design new cocreative processes for global governance that will lead to the ultimate goal of peace, freedom and ecological abundance for every inhabitant on Earth? We do know, however, that answering this question inevitably will be a cocreative process. A process the Cocreation Foundation warmly welcomes you to be part of.
This is an invitation.
Find below the trailer as well as the full recording from to the Open Online Salon that took place April 15, from 7-9PM CET.
To connect with other participants, check here:
Quotations from Jascha during his introdoction here:
An introduction to the Field-Process-Model you can find here:
If you want to know more about our Theory of Change, find here a 3min summary: