What do we mean by Cocreation? (GRP15)

A cultural technique or a cultural technology is an evolutionary step for humanity. It is a technique that humanity as a whole has learned, i.e. agriculture, reading and writing, digitalization, industrialization. When I refer to cocreation as a cultural technique I want to say that I feel that for the challenges that we as humanity are facing today, cocreation is of the same importance and that we all as humanity have to learn to cocreate to face these challenges.

Theory of Change

The mission of Cocreation Foundation is to map, develop, test and establish the cultural technique of cocreation for better global governance. Our Theory of Change describes why, how and what we are doing to achieve our mission:
Governance processes urgently need an update on a regional, national and transnational level to tackle challenges like climate change, plastic in the oceans or effectively fight pandemics like the Corona crisis.

In Dialogue with: Michel Bauwens from the P2P Foundation (GRP12)

I met Michel Bauwens at the Elevate Festival in Graz. At the first warm day of the year, one day before the Corona crisis hit Europe full on, we met at this avantgarde festival of music, discussions and dialogue about human nature and the transformation and future of our society. Together in this brief conversation, Michel shared his ideas on global transformation, social change, commons, a crypto-based sustainable economy and global governance.

Climate Change & Corona. A conversation with Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker (GRP13)

Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker is promoting a new kind of enlightenment, inspired by global humanism and eastern philosophy. He believes that we have to invent new products and business models who are climate efficient. The price of a good has to be calculated according to the environmental damage it evokes. It does not make sense to compare the Corona crises to the climate crises since we are dealing with very different framework conditions especially concerning the time of the exponential curve.

Global Cocreation Forum Reflections (GRP08)

We developed the Global Cocreation Forum to give people a feeling for cocreation in action.

Inspired by the pattern language approach of Christopher Alexander, participants contribute knowledge and insights on topics such as collective healing, compassion and how to create a healthy relationship to identity, and explore how they might be considered in global governance processes.

What is the Global Resonance Project (GRP 01)

Since August we have been building our network in Stockholm, Kyiv, Berlin, London and Vienna. We’ve combined our fundraising efforts with a format to give people a feeling for cocreation in action. In Berlin, Stockholm and Vienna, more than 70 experts have participated in Global Cocreation Forum thus starting to work on understanding the above mentioned deeper patterns of cocreation for better global governance…

Our Journey So Far (GRP 07)

Each of us come from different but complementary backgrounds, so we decided to spend the summer consolidating our networks and slowly enlarging our circles of connection. 

To give people a feeling for cocreation in action, we developed a workshop format to explore some themes – such as collective healing and compassion – that we felt needed to be considered in global governance processes. 

Video: Personal and Transpersonal Cocreation (GRP 02)

In this video I share some thoughts on the dynamics between personal and transpersonal processes, and what this means for cocreation. Many people think that cocreation is simply about getting a lot of people in the room to create something together using the same old methods, but in order for deep cocreation to happen everyone must first be supported in their own personal growth.