Together they explore what cocreation as a cultural technique means to them and how they intend to use it for working on small and large projects and conflicts around the world. Sharing insights into previous experiences, they discuss what these cocreative design processes can look like concretely in a diverse range of contexts. They furthermore dive into how storytelling, inclusiveness and healing approaches play into it – and how an inherent openness and flexibility lie at the core of the intention as well as implementation oriented processes of cocreation.
FUTURE COOKING is part of the "Global Resonance Project" which is a longterm research project by Jascha Rohr and the Cocreation Foundation. It explores new forms of global governance on a philosophical as well as political level. Here Jascha meets other activists and thinkers from the field in one-on-one sessions using the cultural technique of cocreation for cooking possible futures together.
More on the Global Resonance Project:
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